Category: ArtScience

Battery powered flights from Washington DC to LA. No longer a pipe dream?

Just Have a Think with Dave Borlace
Battery technology is developing at breathtaking speed all over the world, but China still leads the way. Now they’ve created batteries with such high energy density that they’re using them to develop a commercial aircraft with a range of 2,000 miles – enough for most commuter flights in the US or Europe. So, has battery chemistry reached yet another previously impossible milestone?

New 3D-Printed Active Fabric for Healthcare and Soft-Robotics

Scientists and engineers at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University has developed an innovative wearable fabric that is flexible but can stiffen on demand through a combination of geometric design, 3D printing, and robotic control, the new technology, RoboFabric, can be adapted for applications such as medical devices, soft robotics, drone limbs, or control surfaces of advanced design craft for water and air.

“You never change something by fighting the existing reality.
  To change something, build a new model that makes
  the existing model obsolete.”
  ― R. Buckminster Fuller

The unchecked transfer of public wealth into the hands of wealthy families has persisted since this nation’s founding. It is based on the claim, that they alone are best qualified and trustworthy to manage our treasure because of a lie; they have achieved great wealth and power allegedly based on merit.

Behind on that pretense, their illusory mask of meritocracy, both commercial and governmental systems have cultivated and defended a class hierarchy based on ethnocentric, pseudo-scientific concepts of race, sex, gender, and social Darwinism.

We can no longer allow the sacrifice of our constitutionally defined “general welfare” through privatization for the exclusive enrichment of an illiberal, anti-democratic plutocracy and their monopoly on power through their political and corporate proxies.

LongSpéır Transport is my advocacy project for prefigurative social and technological innovation in transportation democratization. It is rooted in the premise that a deliberately rational, compassionate, and just society, we must guarantee equal access to mobility as essential in fulfilling its covenant between citizens — that the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness will not be a class privilege.

Our strategic mission is to demonstrate, via the scientific method, a practical means to repatriate and democratize, publicly fund, and manage a uniformly accessible system of transportation that, in most use cases, proves more effective than state-subsidized, mass-consumer-promoted personal vehicles.

Just In Time or JIT Manufacturing

It took more than nice slogans and superficial corporatism for Honda in particular and Japan on the whole to become the absolute 🐐 of motorcycle manufacturing.

RoadEdge Shepherds™

Traditional TBL Tractors scoop up the nose landing gear, lifting it off the ground, avoiding the complexity and time penalty of connecting/disconnecting a towbar because the aircraft’s nose wheel weight provides the necessary downward force.

TBL systems are much shorter than conventional tug+towbar systems because they have a single pivot point instead of one at either end of the towbar, making its geometry simpler for more precise control with a wider variety of aircraft, requiring less maneuvering space.

RoadEdge Shepherds™ are wireless powered, semi-autonomous, electric TBL tractors capable of moving any aircraft from the smallest single-engine type to narrow-body airliners, military cargo and airline-sized business jets. Though the majority of aircraft do not require adapters, an automated tool changer enables a wide range of adapters for unique craft and circumstances.

The Velocity inspired Maelström scale-model will utilize a durable rectenna array film applied to the bottom of the wings and fuselage, providing main flight power within the TMA/TCA.

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
NRL Conducts Successful Terrestrial Microwave Power Beaming Demonstration

OccultAlloy™ Data + Power + Control

RoadEdge™ Modules are low-profile, adaptive smartgrid-to-smartroad devices for semi-permanent, seasonal, and emergency deployment as the name implies alongside of the path, road, runway, on the periphery of forest or field, requiring no time-consuming and costly replacement or refurbishing of existing infrastructure. REMs are by design are extremely rugged, fault-tolerant, hot-swappable, quickly and inexpensively repaired and upgradeable.

Advanced motion capture give us precision metrics of the aircraft position and attitude for enhanced situational awareness at a reduced workload for pilot to ATC staff. This real-time data informs the modular system of emitters that employ phased-array beam focusing and steering, while also creating virtually instantaneous beam occultations (eclipses) when any person, animal, or object impinges upon the space between the aircraft and emitters.

LongSpéır AırBrıdge™

Scale Model Demonstrator Project
In this application, the term applies to a semi-autonomous ecosystem for underserved airports dedicated to general aviation and small to medium scale commercial aviation, providing features that would otherwise be economically unsustainable, with increased safety, reduced pilot workload and aircraft power requirements.

Instead of focusing on ever more advanced hardware for individual planes, affordable only by a few, we strive to democratize runway infrastructure for the common good of all aviators, through social and technological innovation in precision motion capture and precision directed energy for airborne and ground support vehicles.

While cruising at altitude consumes the greater overall fuel or battery power consumed, takeoff and climb stages consume energy at the highest rate in the shortest time. During these phases, the maximum effort is demanded of motors to generate thrust needed to reach cruising altitude. Hybrid aircraft with expensive onboard generators are not introduced to save the environment, but to save the escalating profit margins of aviation tech monopolies.

The near-term solution is proven, safe, secure beamed energy for Power Assisted Taxi, Takeoff, In-Pattern Loitering, Assisted Landing, thereby reducing onboard power requirements, increasing available launch power, load capacity, extending vehicle range, increased flight crew and passenger safety, a conservative solution that accelerates adoption of electric aviation.

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