Category: Kosmic Debris
Real Pilot Story: Cold Weather Catastrophe
Why Airlines Won’t Fix Inefficient Boarding | CNBC
Have you ever wondered why we board airplanes the way we do, and if there’s a faster way? There are numerous different methods to board airplanes: front-to-back, back-to-front, random, unassigned seating and WILMA. While multiple studies have tried to determine which one is the most efficient, airlines aren’t always focusing on that. That’s because they’re generating hundreds of millions of dollars each year from boarding products. CNBC got a behind-the-scenes look at Southwest Airline’s experiment in Atlanta, where the company is prototyping new solutions to accelerate the process. Will we see a faster boarding method in the future?
NASA Sustainable Flight Demonstrator Briefing | CNET
Turboelectric Propulsion a New Idea for Revolutionary Aircraft | NASA
The hybrid wing body aircraft shape is already a new idea that can improve performance and reduce noise. NASA’s Glenn Research Center is studying a drastic change in the propulsion system — turboelectric engines — that can make the HWB even more useful in reducing noise and fuel consumption and in improving use of smaller underutilized airports.
Trackless Tram Rebuttal: Yet Another Gadgetbahn | RMTransit
With major publications shedding light on the new Chinese tram invention, the Autonomous Rapid Transit featuring tram-like vehicles with optical guidance seems to be a candidate for cities in the US to be adapted. But is it just yet another “Gadgetbahn”? (The answer is yes).
― Reece @RM_Transit
Wigetworks AirFish-8 | New Atlas
Future of Microwave Power Beaming | USNRL
Safe and Continuous Power Beaming Microwave (SCOPE-M) is a United States Naval Research Laboratory (USNRL) project which delivers one kilowatt of electrical power at a distance of a kilometer using a microwave beam.