“You never change something by fighting the existing reality.
  To change something, build a new model that makes
  the existing model obsolete.”
  ― R. Buckminster Fuller

The unchecked transfer of public wealth into the hands of wealthy families has persisted since this nation’s founding. It is based on the claim, that they alone are best qualified and trustworthy to manage our treasure because of a lie; they have achieved great wealth and power allegedly based on merit.

Behind on that pretense, their illusory mask of meritocracy, both commercial and governmental systems have cultivated and defended a class hierarchy based on ethnocentric, pseudo-scientific concepts of race, sex, gender, and social Darwinism.

We can no longer allow the sacrifice of our constitutionally defined “general welfare” through privatization for the exclusive enrichment of an illiberal, anti-democratic plutocracy and their monopoly on power through their political and corporate proxies.

LongSpéır Transport is my advocacy project for prefigurative social and technological innovation in transportation democratization. It is rooted in the premise that a deliberately rational, compassionate, and just society, we must guarantee equal access to mobility as essential in fulfilling its covenant between citizens — that the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness will not be a class privilege.

Our strategic mission is to demonstrate, via the scientific method, a practical means to repatriate and democratize, publicly fund, and manage a uniformly accessible system of transportation that, in most use cases, proves more effective than state-subsidized, mass-consumer-promoted personal vehicles.