Full Title: Defining a Mobility Justice Research Agenda for Transportation Equity in California
Speaker: Adonia E. Lugo, PhD, Equity Research Manager, UCLA
Abstract: In 2017, the Untokening collective released the “1.0 Principles of Mobility Justice” and created a conversation around mobility justice in transportation planning practice. Lugo, the lead author of the principles, will comment on her work to define a research agenda rooted in mobility justice to advance transportation equity within the UC Institute of Transportation Studies system.
Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance (Scribd/Print/Kindle/Audible)
By Adonia E. Lugo, PhD • Equity Research Manager at the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and a core organizer of The Untokening, and in May 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed her to the California Transportation Commission.