🐐Cabra Baıla: Tren Cabras Yuké
The Cabra Baıla vision of the trail tractor enables an extended family, village, or cooperative villages in remote undeveloped regions, more safely and effectively forage and transport difficult to access natural resources as well as cultivate, harvest, process, transport labor-intensive crops.
The 🐐Tractor de Senderos TT is an extremely rugged two-wheel drive tractor that serves as a mobile command center and prime locomotive engine for smart trailers and electrohydraulic cultivation tools.
It can be powered remotely via beamed microwave energy and-or onboard serial hybrid-electric drive also described as extended-range electric vehicles (EREV), range-extended electric vehicles (REEV), or electric vehicle w/ extended range (EVER). The in-wheel drive and suspension has no direct mechanical link between the generator-inverter and the wheels. These highly modular in-wheel motors and active suspension run from the hybrid supercapacitor-battery packs, even while charging, and can be quickly field repaired or entirely replaced in minutes.